El excursionista inglés Danny Simpson, que fue rescatado por los bomberos del Grupo de Montaña con sede en Ubrique el 29 de marzo de 2015, tras accidentarse en El Saltillo (Benaocaz), remitió el 12 de abril de 2015 a El Periódico de Ubrique un mensaje en el que expresa: «Fui rescatado por los Bomberos de Ubrique en el incidente al que se refiere el artículo anterior. Le escribo para expresar mi agradecimiento al equipo que me rescató. Ellos demostraron habilidad excelente, el profesionalismo, la dedicación y la resistencia [para rescatarme] a mí y luego para traerme abajo. La alta temperatura y el terreno hicieron excepcionalmente difícil el traslado de 4 km hasta la ambulancia. Durante todo el incidente fueron amables y considerados conmigo y con mi esposa. Ahora estoy recuperándome bien en Londres y siempre estaré agradecido, no sólo a los bomberos sino también a la gente amable de Ubrique; los dos abogados, que por iniciativa propia dejaron un día de su trabajo para ayudarme a mí y a mi esposa; los otros dos caminantes que fueron a avisar a los bomberos; la Guardia Civil; el personal de la ambulancia y el personal del Hotel Occuris, que se tomó la molestia de ponerse en contacto con nosotros en el hospital de Ronda para devolvernos nuestras pertenencias. Atentamente, Danny Simpson».
Texto original: «Dear Sir or Madam. I was rescued by the Bomberos de Ubrique in the incident to which the above article referred. I am writing to express my gratitude to the team that rescued me. They demonstrated superb skill, professionalism, dedication and endurance to me and then to bring me down. The high temperature and the terrain made it exceptionally difficult for them to carry me the 4km to the ambulance. Throughout the incident they were kind and considerate to both me and my wife.
I am now recovering well in London and will forever be grateful, not just to the Bomberos but to the kind people of Urbique; the two lawyers, out for their own walk but who gave up their day to assist my wife, the two other walkers who went to alert the bomberos, the Guardia Civil, the ambulance staff, and the staff of the Hotel Occuris who took the trouble to contact us at the hospital in Ronda and to forward our belongings.
Yours sincerely.
Danny Simpson».
Texto original: «Dear Sir or Madam. I was rescued by the Bomberos de Ubrique in the incident to which the above article referred. I am writing to express my gratitude to the team that rescued me. They demonstrated superb skill, professionalism, dedication and endurance to me and then to bring me down. The high temperature and the terrain made it exceptionally difficult for them to carry me the 4km to the ambulance. Throughout the incident they were kind and considerate to both me and my wife.
I am now recovering well in London and will forever be grateful, not just to the Bomberos but to the kind people of Urbique; the two lawyers, out for their own walk but who gave up their day to assist my wife, the two other walkers who went to alert the bomberos, the Guardia Civil, the ambulance staff, and the staff of the Hotel Occuris who took the trouble to contact us at the hospital in Ronda and to forward our belongings.
Yours sincerely.
Danny Simpson».